Bachelor of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Studying and shaping the future on the side? No problem! With the dual study program at JUMO.


  • Fachgebundene bzw. allgemeine Fach-/Hochschulreife
  • Gute Leistungen in Mathematik (Leistungskurs) und Physik
  • Interesse an Mathematik, Konstruktion und Mechanik
  • Interesse an technischen Zusammenhängen
  • Selbstständigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit
  • Abgeschlossene Ausbildung im metall oder konstruktionstechnischen Bereich von Vorteil

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"Das duale Studium hat einen klar geregelten Ablauf und durch kleine Kursgrößen hat man eine gute Lernatmosphäre. Zudem kann man das theoretische Wissen in den Praxisphasen direkt anwenden und erleben."

ehemaliger dualer Student

Organizational principles:

  • The dual study program combines a scientific study with a practice-integrated training in the company.
  • The study program lasts 3 years and is divided into 6 study semesters, each with 12 weeks of theory and 12 weeks of practice.
  • At the end of the 12-week theory phases, examinations are held for the completed modules. The 6th semester is used, among other things, for writing the bachelor's thesis.
  • The degrees of accredited dual study programs are equivalent to those of universities and universities of applied sciences and allow access to master's degree programs at universities in Germany and abroad.
Ablauf des Studiums
Theoriephasen Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse in den Modulen Konstruktionslehre, Technische Mechanik, Werkstoffkunde, Elektrotechnik, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Antriebstechnik, CAD-/CAM-Techniken, Regelungstechnik, Werkzeugmaschinen, Montagesysteme usw.
Praxisphasen Vertiefung und Anwendung des Theoriewissens in der Praxis
Mitarbeit an Projekten mit der Entwicklungsabteilung
Ausarbeitung von Praxisprojekten

... and after graduation:

... as a graduate of an engineering degree program in the field of mechanical engineering, you will have a wide range of job opportunities in design, development, production, project planning, and even sales with customer consulting. The fields of activity are mainly in middle management or in the middle management level. The variety of technologies to be considered as well as your acquired economic knowledge make your job varied and versatile. We also offer you the opportunity to work as an expatriate in one of our foreign subsidiaries. Depending on your personal goals and operational commitment, you will have access to a wide range of further training and promotion opportunities.

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