Award by business magazine FOCUS

JUMO is one of the 1,000 best training companies in Germany

Fulda, 01.04.20. The magazine FOCUS, in cooperation with the "Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung" (Institute for Management and Economic Research) has examined the quality of training in Germany's 20,000 largest companies with the highest number of employees. The JUMO GmbH & Co. KG achieved an outstanding fourth place in the "Metrology" sector and received the seal of approval "Germany's best training companies".

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For JUMO shareholder and Managing Director Bernhard Juchheim, the award is the result of the company's consistent training management: "We recognized early on that, against the background of demographic change, it is essential to fill the demand for skilled workers from our own ranks as far as possible. This is why our training quota has been above average for years.

JUMO personnel manager Alexandra Dantmann refers to the company's quantitatively and qualitatively extensive range of products and services: "Currently, more than 100 junior employees are completing training in one of ten occupations offered. In addition to teaching technical skills, our aim is to train people who take responsibility, show moral courage and social commitment and identify with the company".

Among other things, the ranking was based on company data, training success, the training quota and remuneration, and additional offers. The data collection was based on questionnaires and the evaluation of online news and social media sources. A total of one million mentions were recorded and analyzed on the Internet.

JUMO achieved an excellent score of 95.4 and was one of only six companies in the measurement technology sector to receive the seal of approval.

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